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Art Prizes


We run regional art prizes that promote contemporary artists while raising funds to support expressive arts programmes for children. Our supporters enjoy a remarkable opportunity to engage with the art world while supporting a worthwhile cause, and participating artists receive exhibitions, cash awards and access to a global audience.

Our Aims

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To Promote Artists

To widen and build knowledge of the work of artists from each region, increasing their public visibility, exposure in the art market and a attracting a wider international following.

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To Educate

To share a balanced representation of the most significant artists from each region and showcase the diverse character and qualities of their works through rich educational programmes.

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To Engage the Public

To exhibit the works in a public art space or museum so visitors may directly engage with some of the best  art from the region and to make this exhibition available to as broad an audience as possible.

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To Raise Funds

To sell the finalists artworks for charity, raising a significant amount for the artists and for our expressive arts programmes that support vulnerable children.

Asian Art Prize image

Asian Art Prize

The Sovereign Asian Art Prize was launched in 2003 to increase the international exposure of artists in the region, whilst raising funds for programmes that support disadvantaged children using expressive arts. Held annually, The Prize is now recognised as the most established and prestigious annual art award in Asia-Pacific.

The Prize acts as a springboard, enabling many artists to achieve record prices and wider audiences for their work. Notable successes include Adrian Wong, Debbie Han, Haris Purnomo, Jeongmee Yoon, Qi Zhi Long, Rashid Rana and Yang Yongliang, amongst others.

African Art Prize image

African Art Prize

Founded in 2021, The Norval Sovereign African Art Prize aims to benefit contemporary artists working in Africa or of the African diaspora by increasing their international exposure.

A collaboration between The Sovereign Art Foundation and Norval Foundation, the Prize celebrates the practice of some of the most significant contemporary artists working today. Funds raised from the Prize are donated to Norval Foundation’s Learning Centre.

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Portuguese Art Prize

Associação SAF, the Portuguese arm of The Sovereign Art Foundation, was established in 2021. Launched in the same year, The Sovereign Portuguese Art Prize aims to increase the international exposure of artists in Portugal or of the Portuguese diaspora, whilst raising funds for charitable programmes in the country.

Funds raised through Associação SAF will be used to fund and develop programmes that help disadvantaged children in Portugal using expressive arts as a means of education, communication and engagement.

Previous Prize Galleries

The Sovereign Asian Art Prize image
The Sovereign Asian Art Prize
The Norval Sovereign African Art Prize image
The Norval Sovereign African Art Prize
The Sovereign Portuguese Art Prize image
The Sovereign Portuguese Art Prize
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Students Prizes

The Sovereign Art Foundation Students Prizes are annual awards that celebrate the importance of art in the education system and recognise the quality of artworks produced by secondary-school students across the world.

The first Students Prize was established in 2012 in Hong Kong, followed by additional Students Prizes in Bahrain, Gibraltar, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, London,  Malta, Mauritius, Portugal and Singapore.



Notable Mentions

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