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Interview with James Elliot-Square

Meet James, a Business Development Manager at Sovereign, taking on an extraordinary challenge. Running   7 marathons in 7 continents in 7 days. Read more about James and his journey below.

What inspired you both to take on the World Marathon Challenge and fundraise for the Sovereign Art Foundation?

I have always had a keen eye on pushing boundaries both physically and mentally, and this challenge certainly fits the bill. Having been involved in charity work before, the cause supported by the Sovereign Art Foundation has been close to my heart since becoming a parent. Witnessing the impact it has on underprivileged children, especially through artistic expression, drove me to participate.

How do you plan to balance the physical demands of the challenge with your professional and personal commitments?

Balancing the demands of training for this challenge with my professional responsibilities has been a
priority. While the challenge itself will only take seven days, the preparation requires careful time management and dedication. By incorporating early morning and evening training sessions, as well as cross-training activities like rowing, I aim to maintain a balance between physical readiness and professional commitments.

As a seasoned athlete, what do you anticipate will be the biggest challenge during the World Marathon Challenge?

Having faced physical challenges in the past, I anticipate that the travel logistics and jet lag, coupled with the physical demands of running consecutive marathons, will pose significant challenges. Additionally, managing fatigue and potential injuries while maintaining mental resilience throughout the challenge will be crucial.

How do you hope your participation in this challenge will impact the lives of vulnerable children supported by the Sovereign Art Foundation?

By participating in the World Marathon Challenge and fundraising for the Sovereign Art Foundation, I hope to make a meaningful difference in the lives of vulnerable children. The foundation’s work in providing therapeutic arts programs offers a lifeline to children in need, empowering them to express themselves creatively and reintegrate into society. Through our efforts, we aim to raise awareness and funds to support these vital programs and make a lasting impact on children’s lives worldwide.

What message do you have for individuals who may want to support your fundraising efforts for the Sovereign Art Foundation?

To anyone considering supporting our fundraising efforts for the Sovereign Art Foundation, I urge you to
join us in making a difference in the lives of vulnerable children. Your contribution, whether big or small, will directly impact the foundation’s programs and help children in need access the therapeutic benefits of art. Together, we can create positive change and foster a brighter future for children worldwide.